
List of products categories of Armet / Italchair

Here below is the list of Italchair products categories. Mostly are finished items. However Italchair sells also (in a not marginal quantity ) also sub-components of its own production (typically metal tube frames). Interesting are also components bought from external supplier (plywood, plastics, etcetera), which can be sold on at an interesting ration price / quantity.


progetto finanziato POR FESR 2014-2020

Metal Chairs, Tables and Home Accessoriers

The Armet by Italchair brand embodies the history of the Ferronato family, starting in the 70's in the home garage the production of metal chairs, focusing on the continous efforts on using machines and automation on the lavoraton of metal tube.


new chair MAGGIE


Today, we proudly introduce the new MAGGIE chair! Discover all the unique features of MAGGIE on our website.


POSTER-PP certification


POSTER-PP chair obtained contract use Level 2 certification passing tests: - Seat and back fatigue test EN 1728:2012+AC:2013 ( 200.000 cycles )


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